
Karmic Journal: April

Bob Thurman, the Buddhist scholar, spoke at Tibet House recently. His teaching is more like advice than a lecture and it is profoundly practical. He has a playful and infectious laugh. A laughing Buddha, I thought. I wondered if I should rub his belly for luck after his talk and if I did, would he understand?  I shifted in my chair and told myself to focus. As his talk progressed, the need to pay attention melted away. Listening to Bob is an immersive experience that allows you to get swept up in the moment. For those two hours in Tibet House, the outside world and its stresses seemed to disappear. It’s the same feeling you get when you’re lost in conversation with a really good friend. Bob says, that happiness is something that comes from within each person at the very moment when you actually stop trying to be happy. In order to be happy, you have to forget about yourself and what you’re trying to solve or perfect in your life. Happiness is something most of us realize during reflection. We recognize it in its past form and aren’t always good at seeing it in the present moment. It’s one of life’s tricks. Thinking back, I was really happy at Tibet House. I wish I knew it then.

April Showers: Guess what’s about to bloom?  #springflowers

April Showers: Guess what’s about to bloom?  #springflowers