Where do I begin this month? I heard so many lovely stories and saw so many acts of kindness from people that it’s really hard to decide what to share. July is a month when many families are on vacation, so the good deed doing was definitely at a peak and decidedly “family style.” Many families incorporate activities to teach their children to “pay it forward,” and the Karmic app is perfect for this.
One encounter that particularly touched me is about a shy, young girl, around 12 years old. Her mother said she wished her daughter would talk a bit more — be more outgoing and sociable. The girl gave a spin to the Karmic wheel of good deeds that I created for The Gathering of The Vibes music festival. The carnival-style wheel stopped on, “Hug a stranger and share some love!” Her mother smiled and quietly said to me, “Oh boy. This will never happen.” As she was ready to let her daughter spin again, the girl walked up to a stranger that was passing them on the path and gave her a hug. I picked her mom’s jaw off the ground and high-fived the girl who had the biggest smile I think I have ever seen. Right before my very eyes I witnessed how actions really do speak louder than words. The young girl may be quiet when it comes to her voice, but she was heard loud and clear by everyone who saw her big, joyful hug.
Stay mindful. Be kindful.